Ee Lynn, my blogging friend initiated this visit to the Bentong Animal Sanctuary. Knowing her circle of friends, rounding them up was not a problem. There was an SOS from Shahrul and Jorg who run the place to say that the food supplies for the animals were running low.What sheer delight it was for them when supplies came.

Hey! this is no way to treat your guests! Bark and get us in!!
Tucked away from the main road in Bentong dwells this sanctuary. It is now in the capable hands of Shahrul and Jorg. It was a day to get to know the animals - dogs, cats, cows, goats, ducks, geese and roosters. And to see first hand how hands can get busy with this big family to take care of.

Have you been in such a big family of dogs ?
I have never been in the company of so many dogs at one time - 57! The jaunt to town in the pickup truck with 5 humans and 3 dogs - Sri Devi, Adik and Dolly was a kinda ' dogs +body' situation !! We struck it creamy rich when we dug in partially hand cranked ice cream for brunch. Later the 3 dogs licked theirs in a most well-behaved manner, etiquette prevailing, in the car.

No rules broken in Bentong! 3 dogs and 5 humans head towards town

This IS the ice cream to have ! Just trust this ad and step right in!!
The smiles say more than words! - Meena and Sasha
We had more company when we got back to the farm. Nancy and her family had arrived with more goodies and it got merrier. Later we trooped to the stream away from the main building. A lovely sunny day was a bonus to play about in the water. Of course,'mama' Shahrul and her dogs just took to their everyday playground without any prompting.
My friend, May enjoyed the sanctuary too. Bet she was eager to tell her own rascally wags at home how her day was spent. May had gone on a buying spree to get food and goodies for the animals. You can always recognise an animal lover as she dipped into her bag for treats as the dogs wagged their tails.
I wolfed down 3 scoops of ice cream - choc, peanut and pandan and a small helping of ice -kacang. That was brunch! Then came lunch outdoors. Where else but under the shady trees. Tree trunks served as high stools and the long benches were just right for company. Food was home-cooked by the farmhands and Nancy. We licked our fingers clean.
What a day! I know Bentong for its fresh, succulent ginger. Friends swear by it for its potency. Now add ice cream and the people, Shahrul and Jorg and their wonderful team of farmhands who make this sanctuary a real home for the animals.

Feeding the stream with a fresh release of catfish

'Country roads take me home...'

A refreshing sight and sound of cascading water

Pat a cow. Learn to moo and avoid the cakes !

My home, my kingdom!

All views are great - just stay in the sun!

Toes cooling off in the heat. Vying for 'Miss FarmHand' - Shahrul, Ee Lynn, May and Keats. LOL!!

Lean on me, friend

Slippery, squishy mud

A balancing act
Let's play, ' I spy!'
Honk away! I'm standing still.

Golden lunch
Jorg gathering the cabbage leaves for the ducks
Yonder trees where we shared home-cooked food which tasted extra delicious. Sorry, no pictures as the camera battery konked off!