Greenies of the Selangor and FT Gardening Soc (SFTGS) inevitably look forward to the annual plant exchange at our beloved patron, Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan's house.
Outwardly the event might look like a 'lelong' of plants but more things surface when one is enjoying oneself there.
This event usually takes place on a Sunday. It spells camaraderie - of people and plants. The simple request goes: gather ye some plants, pot or bag them with tlc, bring them and do an exchange with someone else's plant/s. Or just donate your money to the SFTGS if your plant is sold.
There was quite a good selection of plants. This time round, I bought plants I had 'killed' off - cili , kesum and aloe vera. I added a sweet basil and a peppermint plant. Someone brought an armful of cinnamon leaves to give away.They were snapped up in a jiffy.
Another member who has a thriving rearing goat business brought goat dung and fresh milk to sell. The goat dung really does wonders to the plants.
Not to be outdone, Puan Sri Chong's fruit acar always adds to the coffers of our Soc. In fact, our dear patron and his wife make us proud of them. Our Soc tagline, 'ALL Things Grow With Love', just suits them to the T. Take a walk into their garden and you'll wish you had a piece of their treasures! There's also birds which chirp beautifully in the background. That's also one of their passions.
We bought our brand new publication titled: Gardening in Malaysia. Flowering Plants Vol.1. It was launched at our annual gathering and the response is encouraging. More issues are in the pipeline - 2)Ground Covers,Annuals, Herbs ,3) Climbers, Bulbs, Foliage Plants 4)Trees and Palms. All the issues are for the layman's usage - suits me fine:)
Our hospitable hosts made sure we had our fill of local favourites- curry mee, popiah, kuay teow, mee rebus and ice kacang. Say no to food? never!
Yummy food at your command! |
Plants potted in a variety of containers for exchange or sale. |
Our patron, Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan and members enquiring about the goat fertiliser and milk on sale. |
Puan Sri Chong 's signature acar always makes an appearance to get more funds for the Soc. |
So many plants to choose from. I bought an aloe vera, cili padi, croton, peppermint plant and sweet basil. |
Our banner to greet the members at our patron's house. |