Upon our first visit to Lennox Head in 2012, we spent Christmas there.We fell in love with the quiet peaceful village. Thereafter, two years in a trot we returned to it again and again for a big 70th birthday bash of my sis in law and now in December to gather for her son's wedding. Lennox Head certainly has many family stories to tell.
Lennox Head is a seaside village in the North Rivers region of NSW, Australia situated on the stretch of coast between Byron Bay and Ballina.
Truth be told, I do not swim. Just playing in the water is fun . I guess I really miss out on this aquatic enjoyment. So at Lennox Head, I walk on the beach, climb Lennox Point and look out at Pat Morton, and watch the waves roll endlessly. The lapping, crashing and pounding of the waves is music to the ears and looking out from the balcony or sitting on the beach or lawn, one never tires of of the therapeutic effects. The ocean vista is always changing and when evening comes and darkness follows, out in the vast open space it is pitch black and the waves sends its own rhythmic sounds to us.
Lennox Head is where my sis in law goes to for peace and quiet. It's a kind of retreat,so blissful. But the times we have gathered, gosh , it's like what we say, a fish market, with 15 people or more under one roof! Well, the wedding that we attended had 100 people but the roof stayed intact!
This time round, my hubby and I made an effort to get up at 5.44 to catch the sunrise from the bed on the ground floor of the bungalow.
With droopy eyes, after all the liquor imbibed, we got our cameras out to catch the morning glow. A little cloudy but the sun was up all the same.
So ended our third visit to Lennox Head after fourteen happy ,memorable days. It seemed like the fun and the eating and drinking would never stop! The children amongst us gave us much interactive cheer. The adults talked and talked and we got to know each other better with rellies and friends popping by. The parties prior and after the main event - wedding, of course got us excited and dressed in our finery. Then came Christmas Eve lavished with turkey, leg of ham and the full works, all home -cooked by home-grown chefs who happen to be our nephews and even the new bride who cooked goose ( not one but two ) to feed the army of uncles, aunties and others in tow!) on Christmas Day.Not forgetting some shopping on Boxing Day in Byron Bay.
So much to say about this holiday which is really special 'coz it started in Melbourne and then onward to lovely Tasmania for a first visit. Finally we ended up in Lennox Head which wound us up as we worked as a team to get the house and things ready for a traditional Indian wedding. All good things must come to an end and here we are back in Kuala Lumpur. Whatever one says, it's still home sweet home. Well, till good things happen again, in whatever manner.
I can't believe how this year has flown by. And the blog has been rather idle! Well this is to say goodbye 2014 and welcome 2015. Here's wishing my blogging friends , A Happy New Year. All the best of things to you.
Hail the waves! |
Lennox Head is popular with surfers. |
The seaweeds washed ashore |
Keeping watchful eyes on surfers |
Surfs coming in |
A peacock fanning out on the beach? |
Catching the wind |
See me and see my name! I took some time to make those alphabets - as it was mainly seaweeds around me. My name was made of seagull feathers, a bluebottle, twigs and seaweeds. Just as it was made, a quick click of the camera and the waves came in... |
A blob of jellyfish |
Here's looking at you! One of the locals, Les told me it's the skull of a snapper, noting the hump on the head. He reckons that fella weighed about 10 kg. |
Pincers and what's left of the crab . |
Said hello to a local who was strolling with his wife. Got talking about the blue bottle jellyfish. Les sportingly showed me the sting marks left by the bluebottle jellyfish. He had them all over his thighs and hands too. Not bothersome to him! |
Les held the bluebottle jellyfish to show me the tail. They were a few washed up the beach . |
Whoa, I've landed! The picture was taken from the balcony of the house. |